★ Samedi 20 janvier ★ Launch of Lost in Frenchlation
« Yannick » by Director Quentin Dupieux | Samedi 20 janvier 2024 – 15h30 | TNB
This new partnership between the Théâtre National de Bretagne (TNB) and IFA is bringing Lost in Frenchlation to Rennes. Lost in Frenchlation opens up the world of French cinema to the international community by screening the latest French films with English subtitles. A new movie will be offered each month, followed by a discussion about the film in English at TNB’s café, led by an IFA volunteer. The first movie will be Yannick by director Quentin Dupieux, followed by a private visit of the TNB in English. Reservations are required for the visit by e-mailing cinema@t-n-b.fr. The following two screenings are planned for February 17 and March 16.
Hors les murs : RDV au TNB
Tarif 6€ ou 4€ avec le Pass Festival Télérama